Thursday 8 December 2011

My Group Soap

Camera Shots & Angles

Our video starts with an establishing shot to set the scene and letting the audience know that this scene is clearly about to take place in a school office of sorts. the camera then shows the name of the room the scene is about to take place in ''Interveiw Room 1'' which also clearly gives away what is about to take place, an interveiw.

The camera then cuts to medium shots of ruhee (the teacher) and begins to cross cut between ruhee and miss's hider (the mother). One of these Medium shots is not executed well as it isnt from the waste up and is filmed at a slight dutch angle which wasnt the purpose, The shots of miss hider on the other hand are in perfect proportion with head room and matches the rule of going from the waist upwards.

The next scene is begun with the teacher in a close up shot showing that she is starting this meeting/interveiw. The camera then cuts to a semi medium shot establishing where and who everyone is in this scene.

The scene then digresses into cross cutting close ups between myself (student) and ruhee (the teacher) when in convosation. This scene then goes to cross cutting from medium shots to close ups of miss hider (the mother) and ruhee (the teacher) to give the scene pace and variation. After cross cutting between miss hider and ruhee it cuts to a close up of me to show emotion. This scene ends with a medium shot of miss hider walking out of the scene, ending the episode.


In our videos i was the teacher and i asked Jay the student to have a meeting with him and his mum about missing lesson at school.i had a meeting with Jay and his mum about his attendance to lesson and it shows the conflict between Jay and his mother.The narratives would be in my video is that it is a multi -strand. The meaning of this, is that the dramatic soap is told from many point of views. Our point of view is that we show a conflict between the family and the teacher. The conflict of our video shows the situation between the parent and her son and how the parent suggest that she doesn't really seem to be interested in her son but there are many other views about this conflicts but we concentrate more on this one. For our family soap it has to be realistic so the audience can adapt this to their lives.